
A Ferret Called Wilson

Chasing Happy, Chasing Dreams


the dream



When I was a freshman in college, I wrote an essay. It was supposed to be a college admissions essay where I explained how I was a perfect fit for the university I was applying to. Instead, I wrote about love. Continue reading “Love”

Life Is Easy

When I was young my mom always said to me, “life is what you make of it!” She would also say, “life is an adventure,” but she always said these things to me when I was upset about something, usually being mistreated by my sisters or dreading going to school. I can’t say the context made for very effective communication of her message.

Now that I’m a grown-up I find myself coming back to these words. Nobody says “life is what you make of it” anymore. Instead, everyone says, “life sucks, and then you die” or “life’s tough, get a grip” or “only the strong survive.” Through my studies I’ve come to know that life is, in fact, what you make of it and if you believe it is going to be hard and miserable, then your belief will become your reality. So I would like to propose an alternative belief: Life is easy and fun. I would also like to invite you to join me in living a funner, easier life. Continue reading “Life Is Easy”



今日は平和を考えている。平和と、人間の現在と未来。どちらも悲しく見えるからね。 Continue reading “朝の絶望”


I’ve read stories about this woman, Evelyn or something, who made this “amazing transition” from high powered business woman on Wallstreet to top level athlete with now Boehls-Dolman (or however you spell that). She bought her first bike in 2008 and trained at home on the turbo “every night” for a year, debuting in 2009 and winning the US time trial championship in 2010.

…or something like that.

Continue reading “Un-Hero”

I Did This


Borrowed some carbon race wheels. Put them on my bike. Played.

When the time came to send them back, I had to transfer my cassette back to my old wheels. I did that. Add it to my list of maintenance skills.


Also, a recommendation for all you semi-serious race noobs: unless you have two grand to spare, don’t test carbon race wheels. Just… don’t


The Pain Cave?

Source: Digging into the Pain Cave – the psychology of suffering, Part 2 | Ella

Found this series of articles on Ella, Australian cycling website devoted to the more graceful gender. I wanted to comment directly, but their authentication system is too cumbersome (Disqus AND email verification? Next they’re going to send me a differential equation displayed in CAPTCHA). Instead, I’ll just add my thoughts here! Continue reading “The Pain Cave?”

Her(o)s of All Kinds

Source: Carol Cooke – Becoming an Elite Para Cyclist – Part 1

I ‘ll admit, I’m scared to death of what I’m trying to do. In a way, if my regular life wasn’t already killing me, I might not have had the courage to even try.

But the best way to deal with fear is to prove to yourself that you’re not alone, others have come before you and succeeded, you, too, can achieve the impossible.

Continue reading “Her(o)s of All Kinds”

Went and found me another her(o)

Heros of days past

Source: Beyond fitness: What it takes for a world hour record attempt | Ella

In my attempt to do something extraordinary, I often need to remind myself that while it may not be ordinary, it’s definitely possible. People like Leontien van Moorsel, Maryka Sennema, “Iron Sally,” Molly Shaffer Van Houweling, and now Bridie O’Donnell, these women are my heros. They are all doing what I want to do.

…what I am doing.

Imposter Syndrome

The imposter syndrome is an affliction suffered by many young academics, usually beginning in graduate school but then often carrying on into their first appointments as faculty. It is characterized by an intense sense of not belonging, as if the person hired for the position is someone other than one’s self and that there has been a mistake made, something over looked, or some unspoken understanding that everyone is just humoring you.

Continue reading “Imposter Syndrome”

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